Let’s go to the Gutenberg-Cup: Mainz is looking for the “Master of Jokes”

Datum: Oct 15th, 2010
Category: Turniere

This weekend the Debattierclub Johannes Gutenberg Mainz (DCJG) is looking for the “Master of Jokes” 2010: At the Gutenberg-Cup it is all about funny, bizarre and absurd things as at the tournament in the capital city of Rhineland-Palatine has only so-called “fun debates” to offer on the day’s schedule. The debate style of the tournament is the Offene Parlamentarische Debatte.

There will be 15 teams competing in three preliminary rounds on Saturday. They arrive from all over Germany: Apart from one team of the Berlin Debating Union there will be – for the first time – one team of the just recently founded debate club Streitkultur Berlin; the Debattierclub Bayreuth will be represented as will be the debate club Wortsport Darmstadt, Debatte Dortmund, DCGF Frankfurt, the Debating Club Heidelberg, the Wortkombinat Ilmenau, Debatte Karlsruhe, the Debattierclub München, the Debating Society Paderborn and Streitkultur Tübingen. Moreover one team of the host club DCJG and a mixed team consisting of Westphalian debaters will participate. The best teams will finally match in the semi-finals and the final on Sunday. As CA, Anna Mattes (Streitkultur Tübingen) will cater for motions, matches and adjudications together with her co-CA Thore Wojke (DCJG).

The Gutenberg-Cup is being held in Mainz since 2008. Since 2009 there have only been motions for fun debates. Last year, Peter Croonenbroeck, Pauline Leopold and Christoph Krakowiak (all Streitkultur Tübingen) could win the title “Masters of Jokes”.

glx / saj

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