Red Sea Open Pickings 1

Datum: Sep 13th, 2010
Category: Presseschau, Turniere

Stefan Zweiker of Debattierklub Wien reports from the Red Sea Open 2010 from a Vienna perspective. There he gives kudos to a very comfortable schedule and does not forget to mention the culinary amenities of the tournament:

“We had the luxury of a whole day reserved for arrival and departure (travel planning support was included, too). There was the very comfortable fact that we did not have to finish with the generous breakfast buffet before 10am. A fully air-conditioned bus then carried us the 500m to the  campus of the Ben Gurion University, every day, so that we never had a reason to complain about the 45°C outside. The cold chain was never interrupted. Our brains were only exposed to the heat, if we chose to seize the free time in the afternoon for swimming in the hotel pool or walking down to the beach. There was always enough time after the great lunch buffet, hence we were usually fully recovered for debating another two rounds and enjoying the amply dinner afterwards. In the evening we had enough time again to prepare for socials (club-entrance  included), since there was no need to prepare for another round.”

glx / apf

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