UCD Novice IV 2010

Datum: Sep 7th, 2010
Category: Termine, Turniere

The Literary and Historical Society of the University College of Dublin invites to the UCD Novice IV 2010 which will be staged on 28 October. The conveners do not only promise three preliminary rounds, five-minute speeches and break to final, but also awesome motions. On top of that, they are working on increasing the team cap (of now 28 teams). Since the team cap is filled by now, you may still register using this form – you will be added to a waiting list. Chief adjudicator is Gregg O’Neill, Worlds Masters Winner and Top Irish Speaker at Euros and Worlds 2010. Registration fees are 15 Euros or a discount price of 5 Euros if you enter UCD Vice Presidents’ Cup as well. Included in the fees are lunch and dinner and free alcohol. For more details contact vpc[at]literaryandhistorical.com or check out the IV’s website.

apf / glx

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