Dortmund Debaters tour Deutschland: 16 Debates in 16 Days

Datum: Jul 26th, 2010
Category: News of debating clubs

Two debaters from Debatte Dortmund (DebaDo) set out today to visit debating clubs all over Germany. Jörn Hahn and Jens Schulze report from their endeavor:

16 Debates in 16 Days

…OK, OK, it will actually last 17 days, but maybe we can find some spontaneous debaters at the wedding we are attending.

Today, Monday, we will start punctually at 4.09 pm. The first stop in our grand tour through choice debating cities we will engage the Debattierclub Aachen. From this most westerly debating club in Germany we will pass through the living rooms of many clubs in North, South, East and West in a rolling, somewhat convoluted counterclockwise path. Our second stop will be in Heidelberg (Debating Club Heidelberg, Tuesday at 8pm), further stops will be, among others, the record German Champion (Debattierclub Johannes Gutenberg Mainz) and the current leader of the German-language all-time scoreboard (Berlin Debating Union). Debattierclub Münster, as this year’s German Championships host and first German Champion, will be the obligatory last stop.

We strive to visit each club’s regular debate evenings to learn about their club life. Some clubs even stage an extra debate on the weekend for us so that we may reach our target of 16 debates.

Our definite route is not yet finalized. We will keep you updated and write about our travel!

glx / fnp

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2 Kommentare zu “Dortmund Debaters tour Deutschland: 16 Debates in 16 Days”

  1. 16 Tage für 16 Debatten? Beim Weltrekord 2007 haben wir dafür gerade einmal 16 Stunden gebraucht! Guckst Du hier:,1518,460043,00.html

    Aber im Ernst: Coole Aktion, schade, dass ich heute nicht in Heidelberg sein kann. Viel Erfolg auf der Tour wünscht


  2. Verena Gräf says:

    Klingt toll, wünsche euch viel Spass und interessante Debatten!

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