EUDC 2010 Tab and Open Final recordings online

Datum: Jul 18th, 2010
Category: Turniere

Achte Minute scanned the tab distributed after the grand final. You can now find the EUDC 2010 Team Tab and the EUDC 2010 Speaker Tab online. Surely the tabs will be published officially soon.

Top Ten Speaker:

1. Fred Cowell, ULU B (London)
2. Sam Block, Manchester A
3. Jack Watson, Cambridge A
4. Thomas Hosking, Oxford A
5. Harish Natarajan, Cambridge A
6. Gregg O’Neill, TCD Phil A (Dublin)
7. Rosie Unwin, ULU B (London)
8. Ben Woolgar, Oxford A
9. Daniel Swain, Team Australia (no break permission)
10. Kelly Butler, Team Australia (no break permission)

Top Ten Speaker ESL:

1. Jeroen Heun, Erasmus A (Rotterdam)
2. Daniel Springer, Erasmus A (Rotterdam)
3. David Lamouroux, Göttingen A
4. Hanneke Bermann, Haifa A
5. Flor de Koning, Kalliope A (Groningen)
5. Engin Arikan, Galatasaray A (Istanbul)
7. Sarah Jaglitz, Greifswald A
7. Filip Muki Dobranic, Ljubljana A
7. Leyla Orak, Galatasaray A (Istanbul)
10. Steffy Roos du Maine, Kallipoe A (Groningen)

The Debattierclub Wortgefechte Potsdam filmed the EUDC 2010 Open Final and already provides the recordings online. According to our research EUDC 2010 ESL Final recordings are not online yet. We keep you updated.

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