SOAS IV 2010

Datum: Jul 4th, 2010
Category: Termine, Turniere

Debating in London: The Debating Society of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) invites to the School of Oriental and African Studies Inter-Varsity Debating Competition (SOAS IV) on the 16th-17th October 2010.

The Tournament will comprise six in-rounds in the British Parliamentary format followed by quarter-finals and the grand final, which will take place before an audience of debaters from across Europe, as well as students and faculty members from SOAS.

In 2009, the SOAS IV was attended by 100 teams representing 9 countries. Douglas Cochran a distinguished debater from Cambridge University will be this year’s Chief Adjudicator.

In order to encourage international participation in the competition there will be reduced registration fees for teams from universities outside the UK (including Republic of Ireland). Limited crash is available.

If you have any questions or requests hace a look at the SOAS Debating Societies website or contact soasdebsoc[at] Registration is not open yet.

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