Beiträge zum Stichwort ‘ Israel ’

Red Sea Open 2014

Red Sea Open 2014From the 14th to the 18th of September 2014, the Red Sea Open 2014 (RSO) will once again take place in Eilat in the south of Israel. This tournament invites debaters to combine high-level debating with a relaxing holiday trip. In the last years, participants were accommodated in an all-inclusive hotel in vicinity of the beach. Apart from that, the RSO features workshops offered by experienced debaters covering debate theory as well as various topics relevant to debating. The tournament itself will have 6 preliminary rounds, semi-finals and a final. The Chief Adjudicator will be Anat Shapira from Israel, who was CA ...
6. März 2014 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: International, Neues aus den Clubs, Termine, Turniere | Mit einem Kommentar

EUDC 2012: Das Finale

And the winners are... Some tears, standing ovations and two exciting and excellent final debates - a lot of emotions at the finals of this year's European Universities Debating Championship (EUDC or Euros). Now, really, without further ado, here are the winners from two categories, ESL (English as a Second Language) and Open (open to everybody proficient enought): ...
10. August 2012 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: Themen, Turniere | Kommentare deaktiviert für EUDC 2012: Das Finale

Red Sea Open 2011

The Winning Team: Manos Moschopoulos & Oskar AveryThe sparkling sun on wet skin, the smell of sun lotion and tasty food, motions challenging our debater-skills and interesting debates with people from Russia, Germany, Austria, Israel, Greece, England – this year’s Red Sea Open (RSO) was the perfect combination of all of that. ...
14. September 2011 | Redakteur: | Kategorie: Themen, Turniere | Mit einem Kommentar

Debattiererhochzeit: Massel tov nach Israel!