Lund’s Emilia Carlqvist and Peer Klüßendorf win the Berlin IV

Datum: 13. April 2014
Kategorie: International, Turniere

The Berlin IV – European Debates Conference 2014 has its winners: Emilia Carlqvist and Peer Klüßendorf from Lund Debate Society won the final in a three-to-two split decision. Peer and Emilia debated in Opening Government as the team „Dixendorf“. The motion of the final read: „This House believes that the EU should force member states to adopt socially progressive legislation (e. g. same-sex marriage, abortion rights, ethnic and religious minority rights).“

Peer Klüßendorf Emilia Carlqvist winners Berlin IV European Debates Conference 2014 (c) Matthias Carcasona

Emilia and Peer (c) Matthias Carcasona

„REC Truth Department“, another team from Sweden consisting of Olivia Sundberg and Martin Devenney, spoke in Closing Government, while the Opposition bench was filled with teams from the United Kingdom: „Oxford Union BF“ (Daniel Bregman and Greg Farquhar) were in Opening Opposition, and „Birmingham Jaley“ (Jamie Batchelor and Caley Routledge) in Closing Opposition. The final was adjudicated on by the three CAs Tomas Beerthuis (chairing), Sally Rooney and Kai Dittmann, as well as by Michael Shapira and Michael Barton.

The Berlin IV was also the first of two European Debates Conferences. As such, it featured a public debate on Friday. The event was hosted by the Berlin Debating Union. The convener was Alexander Hans; Christoph Krakowiak moderated both the public debate and the final. The tournament was supported by the Association of German Speaking Debating Societies (Verband der Debattierclubs an Hochschulen e.V., VDCH) and by the foundation Stiftung Mercator.

Full results after the preliminary rounds can be seen in the Team Tab and the Speaker Tab.

The full list of motions debated is as follows:

Preliminary Rounds:

1. This House Supports the „No Platform“ Practice towards Far-Right and Fascist Public Figures in Advance of the EU Elections.
2. THBT History Curricula Should Feature the Same Proportion of Male and Female Historical Figures.
3. THW Allow Assisted Suicide for Terminally Ill Children with the Consent of Their Parents.
4. THBT Western States should Substantially Support the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in its Efforts in the Developing World to promote Birth Control that is Undetectable by Men.
5. THW make voting mandatory.

Semi-final: THW abolish the prison system.

Final: THBT the EU should force member states to adopt socially progressive legislation (e. g. same-sex marriage, abortion rights, ethnic and religious minority rights).


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2 Kommentare zu “Lund’s Emilia Carlqvist and Peer Klüßendorf win the Berlin IV”

  1. Bregman sagt:

    ‚Farquhar‘, not ‚Furquhar‘.

  2. Jonas Huggins sagt:

    Sorry for getting this wrong! And thank you for noticing, I have corrected it.

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