Cambridge IV 2014

Datum: 1. August 2014
Kategorie: International, Neues aus den Clubs, Termine, Turniere

The Cambridge IV 2014 will take place on the 21st and 22nd November in Cambridge, England. The tournament features five preliminary rounds with seven minute speeches, quarter finals, semi finals, and a final, as well as semi finals and a final for teams in the category English as a Second Language (ESL). It will start at 3 o’clock on Friday with team registration and will end with a Black Tie Social on Saturday night. On Sunday, the first Cambridge Women’s Open 2014 will take place.

Logo Cambridge UnionChief Adjudicators (CAs) of the tournament will be Madeline Schultz, Deputy Chief Adjudicator (DCA) of the World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC) in Malaysia; Michael Shapira, CA of the Vienna European University Debating Championship (EUDC) 2015 and DCA of the WUDC 2014 in Chennai; Sally Rooney, top speaker and finalist at the EUDC 2013 in Manchester; and Anser Aftab, winner of the EUDC 2013 and finalist at the WUDC 2011 in Botswana. The tab will be run by Richard Coates, tab director of the EUDC 2014 in Zagreb, and Calum Worsley, tab assistant at Zagreb EUDC. The Equity Team is comprised of Srishti Krishnamoorthy, Daniel Bregman, and Rachel Warren.

The team cap of the Cambridge IV is 120 and no more than three teams can participate per society. Registration costs £85 per team. The n-1 rule applies for judging. Registration will take place in several rounds. The first round begins July 31st and is intended for international teams only, who receive a quota of team slots. The Google doc with the registration form is available until August 11th. Payment for these teams is due on August 30th. Teams who fail to register until August 11th can re-try in the main phase. The main phase of registration will take place from August 12th to August 19th. In this phase, all teams can apply and slots will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

More information, including a detailed time schedule, can be found on the event page on facebook. All questions may be directed to cambridgeiv [dot] convenors [at] gmail [dot] com. 

  • Location: Cambridge, England
  • Date: Nov 21st to 22nd – the Cambridge Women’s Open takes place on Nov 23rd, 2014
  • CAs: Madeline Schultz, Michael Shapira, Sally Rooney, and Anser Aftab
  • Registration Fee: £85 per team


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