Thessaloniki Open 2014

Datum: 30. Juli 2014
Kategorie: International, Neues aus den Clubs, Termine, Turniere

From October 31st  to November 2nd, the Ρητορική Εταιρεία – Debating Society of Greece invites the debate community to the Thessaloniki Open 2014. As the World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC) 2016 takes place in Thessaloniki as well, the Thessaloniki Open will give a first impression of what Worlds could feel like in Greece. According to the Debating Society of Greece, the tournament is an official event of the European Youth Capital 2014 programme and is supported by the Centre for Democracy and Reconciliation in Southeast Europe and the Association for Democracy in the Balkans.

Thessalonik Open 2014The Thessaloniki Open will feature five preliminary rounds with seven minute speeches, semi-finals, and a final. Two members of the adjudication team have already been announced: Viktor Prlja, best speaker at the European Universities Debating Championship (EUDC) 2013 in Manchester in the category English as a Second Language (ESL) and Chief Adjudicator (CA) for the Cork EUDC 2016 bid, and Emilia Carlqvist, ESL-champion of the Manchester EUDC 2013 and ESL-vice-champion of the Chennai WUDC 2014.

Registration is open now at this Google Doc. There is a fee of 50 Euros which includes socials, meals, and accommodation in a hotel. The team cap will be 60 teams.

Details regarding the Chief Adjudicators and the schedule will be announced on the event homepage on facebook. The organisers will answer questions at info [at] debating [dot] gr.

  • Date: 31.10. – 02.11.2014
  • Location: Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Rounds: Five preliminary rounds, semis and final
  • CAs: Viktor Prlja and Emilia Carlqvist
  • Reg Fee: 50 Euros
  • Accommodation: Hotel
  • Team Cap: 60 teams


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