Zagreb EUDC – Registration for Independent Adjudicators is now open

Datum: 20. März 2014
Kategorie: International, Jurieren, Neues aus den Clubs, Turniere

The registration of Independent Adjudicators for the Zagreb EUDC 2014 is now open. Everyone who wants to be a judge and has not registered for an institution may now apply as an Independent Adjudicator. The registration is open until March 30th 11pm GMT.

Independent Adjudicators may receive travel subsidies according to the costs they must bear and according to their proficiency in British Parliamentary Style (BPS) debating. In addition to basic information, the applicants will therefore have to give details about their debating and judging experience and answer a set of questions. These questions are designed to test the applicants‘ ability to assess different situations that could come up in debates and to test their knowledge of BPS debating rules. After registration of Independent Adjudicators has closed, the applications will be evaluated and travel subsidies allocated.

The application is possible by using this Google Doc. Further questions can be sent to independent [dot] zagreb [dot] eudc [at] gmail [dot] com.


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