Oxford IV 2013

Datum: 17. Juli 2013
Kategorie: International, Neues aus den Clubs, Termine, Turniere
Oxford IVThe Oxford Inter-Varsity 2013 will be held from November 8th and 9th.  There is the possibility to visit the legendary Oxford Union Debate on Thursday evening. Also there will be campus tour for international debaters on Friday morning followed by some Debating workshops and the registration that ends at 3pm.
  • Five preliminary rounds of 7 minute speeches, breaking to Quarter Finals, ESL Semi Finals and novice Grand Final
  • All Grand Finals hosted in the (in)famous Oxford Union Chamber
  • 140 team cap, n-1 applying to IONA teams
  • Introductory debating workshops
  • Novice Grand Final and Best Novice Speaker prize


  • Stephanie Bell – WUDC 2012 Grand-Finalist and 2nd Best Speaker. Top-ten speaker at WUDC 2011
  • Hasan Dindjer – EUDC 2012 Grand-Finalist, WUDC 2012 Semi-Finalist
  • Matt Handley – WUDC 2013 Semi-Finalist, Cambridge IV and LSE Open Grand-Finalist
  • Niamh Ni Mhaoileoin – EUDC 2011 Grand-Finalist and 3rd Best Speaker, Winner of HWS/IDEA Round Robin, Irish Times and Irish Mace

Registration for the International Package opens 3pm BST 1st August 2013. £100 includes Oxford Union debate, dinner and international social on Thursday, tours of Oxford on Friday and everything in the IONA package. Registration for the IONA Package opens 3pm BST 1st September 2013. £85 includes a social event and dinner on Friday, breakfast, dinner and a booze-filled social event on Saturday as well as crash.

You can either visit their Website or check out their Facebook- Group.
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