WUDC 2012: Der Break

Datum: Dec 31st, 2011
Category: Turniere

In the following we provide you the breaks and tab positions at WUDC 2012 after the nine preliminary rounds. This data was compiled with the help of Colm Flynn and confirmed by WUDC tabmaster Bob Nimmo. Some institutions’ names may not be accurately typed up, please excuse any errors.

EFL break (team points not yet available):

  1. Universitas Indonesia C
  2. Ewha Debating Society A
  3. Belgrade C
  4. Defense Technology A
  5. Zagreb A
  6. UCD Venezuela A
  7. Tianjin FSU A
  8. STAN A

ESL break (team points not yet available):

  1. Tel Aviv A
  2. Utrecht A
  3. Leiden A
  4. Ljubljana A
  5. Belgrade A
  6. Johannes Gutenberg A
  7. BDU A
  8. University of the Philippines Manila A
  9. International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) A
  10. Chinese University Hong Kong A
  11. Galatasaray A
  12. Malaya A
  13. KDU A
  14. Lahore Management A
  15. Xavier University A
  16. International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) C

Open break:

  1. Oxford A (23 pts)
  2. Oxford B (23 pts)
  3. Monash C (22 pts)
  4. TCD Hist. B (22 pts)
  5. Sydney A (21 pts)
  6. Yale B (21 pts)
  7. Victoria Wellington A (20 pts)
  8. Stanford A (20 pts)
  9. Victoria Wellington B (20 pts)
  10. Durham A (20 pts)
  11. UCD L&H A (20 pts)
  12. Auckland A (20 pts)
  13. Nottingham A (20 pts)
  14. Monash A (20 pts)
  15. Sydney C (20 pts)
  16. BPP A (19 pts)
  17. Cambridge A (19 pts)
  18. Sydney B (19 pts)
  19. Harvard A (19 pts)
  20. Melbourne B (19 pts)
  21. Hobart & William Smith A (19 pts)
  22. Oxford D (19 pts)
  23. Alaska A (19 pts)
  24. Birmingham A (19 pts)
  25. TCD Phil. A (19 pts)
  26. Durham B (19 pts)
  27. Auckland B (19 pts)
  28. Monash B (18 pts)
  29. Oxford C (18 pts)
  30. Melbourne A (18 pts)
  31. Yale A (18 pts)
  32. University of London Union A (18 pts)

The following adjudicators made the break. Please be advised that this section contains unconfirmed and possibly erroneous information. We received this information via Berlin Debating Union’s Facebook page and Colm Flynn. Thank you, BDU and Colm!

Adam Goldstein, Alex Just, Alex Worsnip, Anat Shapira, Anna Moore, Anne Valkering, Art Ward, Bronte Lambert, Bronwyn Cowell, David Maher, Doug Cochran, Emily Zhang, Estelle Sorner, Fletch Williams, Fred Cowell, Gavin Illsley, Cormac Early, Harish Natarajan, Isa Fischer, James Torrence, James Hutauruk, Jens Fischer, Joanna Connely, Joe Roussos, Josh Martin, Julian Bautista, Kamora Kirt, Kurt See, Logandran Balavijendran, Lucinda David, Mary Nugent, Masako Suzuki, Michael Shapira, Natalia Koran, Nick Long, Philip Belesky, Sam Block, Santa Izan, Shota Ido, Sharmila Parmanand, Sam Princeton, Silver [?], Simone van der Elk, Steven Nolan, Tate [?], Tim Jeffries, Tim Mooney, Tom Hopkins, Victor Finkel, Will Jones, Zheng Bo.

If you have any additional info on the judges break, please let us know:

This article will be continually updated as we receive more information. Please also follow our Twitter account and check the Twitter hashtag #WUDC!

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4 Kommentare zu “WUDC 2012: Der Break”

  1. Anon says:

    I think it should be Auckland A and B, not Oakland.

    1. Florian Prischl says:

      Thank you, I corrected it.

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